Tis the season for school holiday parties! As a room mom this year, I have had so much fun coming up with the activities for the class party! I always put an OT spin on it out of habit. For Halloween we had a sensory slimy spaghetti noodle feel and find with blindfolds! The kids LOVED it! The other parents cringed so naturally, I was manning that station! This month, for our class Christmas party we have come up with some more fun activities! Here is what we will be doing…
We will have a station of Minute-to-Win-It games!
This activity is fantastic for visual tracking!
Stacking marshmallows with tongs! Of course there is fine motor involved!
Pin the Nose on Rudolph- I love giving kids the opportunity to spin and get some vestibular input- it’s one sensation that kids do not get enough of now that most schools do not have swings! It can be arousing so monitor how the kids spin and spin in both directions! This will be one to follow with Bingo for some calming input.
We will have a station for the kids to make their own ornaments- for our class, we will do the angel ornaments to tie into the local Christmas parade the class was in, dressed as angels!
I love the twig ornaments for fine motor tying practice and using natural elements!
Reindeer food trail mix for a little snack break during the class party!
It surely will be loads of fun and a great way to celebrate the season! Are you participating in any kids holiday parties? What fun activities do you do?!