Occupational Therapy Private & Group Sessions
Occupational Therapy services
Occupational therapy is beneficial for helping people across the lifespan engage in meaningful activities whether after an injury or because of a congenital or acquired condition.
OT helps people in many areas and for children this includes:
-Participating in School
-Social Participation
-Fine and Gross Motor Skills
-Visual Skills
-Executive Functioning
-Sensory Processing
The OT process begins with a comprehensive intake and evaluation to develop goals to help the individual and family identify & prioritize areas of need.
OT OuTside works closely with schools, including teachers, teaching assistants, administrators to ensure success and progression in all environments.
We work within schools to provide support to your child and maintain a strong relationship with the classroom teacher, assistants, and Learning Support Team to create embedded supports for your child.
Providing OT during the school day allows your child to enjoy after school activities with their peers and free-time to unwind after working so hard all day while at school.
Please reach out to inquire about services for your child. OT OuTside also conducts observations, consultation, Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE), Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), school/ classroom environment consultation and evaluation, and home evaluations to develop home programs.
A look at some of the reasons why handwriting is important